video of the day

From the DNC:

Gee… imagine that… Bush using rhetoric instead of substance to gain votes. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!

One Response to “video of the day”

  1. derek Says:

    1 in 40 Iraqis have died since March 2003, over 600,000. of course the white house will not confer with these numbers. there has never been a better time for the dems to go for the juggler…what’s holding them back? seems they too might have a course to stay. bush killed 3000 on 9-11 and 3000 since 9-11. why no impeachment, why no 9-11 investigation, how did wtc 7 fall? quick math, bush has killed 606,000 people. why no impeachment? why? they are all (seemingly from the marxist communist manifesto) staying the god damn course. ZEIG HEIL BUSH!

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