oooo shiny object!

attention media WHORES. since the only thing that seems to hold your attention is a sex scandal, why don’t you try this one on for size:

Republican U.S. Senate nominee Jack Ryan’s ex-wife, TV actress Jeri Ryan, accused him of taking her to sex clubs in New York and Paris, where he tried to coerce her into having sex with him in front of strangers, according to records released Monday from the couple’s California divorce file.

In her 2000 filing, Jeri Ryan alleged that after she and Jack Ryan left the first sex club they entered in New York, he asked her to go to another. She said he told her that he had gone out to dinner with her that night even though he didn’t want to and “the least I could do in return was go to the club he wanted me to go.”
She described the second place as “a bizarre club with cages, whips and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling.”
“Respondent wanted me to have sex with him there with another couple watching. I refused,” Jeri Ryan continued. “Respondent asked me to perform a sexual activity upon him and he specifically asked other people to watch. I was very upset.


ladies and gentlemen, meet your new senator from illinois, barack obama:

i endorsed barack obama months ago because i believe he represents the future of the democratic party. he is smart, honest, progressive, and he has a great record of public service. if you’re in illinois, please consider joining his campaign. and if you would like to help put barack over the top, please consider donating to his campaign. every little bit helps.

* thanks to attaturk for the news link

4 Responses to “oooo shiny object!”

  1. TJ Says:

    Trekkies everywhere are drooling.

    And me too. A little.

    Although I hope for her sake that he looks more like the Ben Affleck Jack Ryan than the Harrison Ford Jack Ryan. Not that Harrison’s ugly, but…..y’know.

  2. anna Says:

    yes he does, but she’s still much too pretty to be with a slimy lookin’ guy like ryan. :^P

  3. likwidshoe Says:

    To sum it up simply: blood lust.

  4. anna Says:

    likwid: you think so? you may be right. i dunno. i imagine that covering something as simple as sexual perversion is easier than covering, say, policy. i think that has something to do with it as well.

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